Donate today

Donate once

Only £15 could help us run an online support group for people with BDD, while £45 could go towards raising awareness of the condition. Please donate today using our secure payment service.

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Donate every month via Direct Debit

With your ongoing support, we can relieve suffering for people with BDD, while advancing research, treatments and awareness of the condition. Please support us today and help us change lives.

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However you decide to raise funds for people with BDD, we are extremely grateful! You could help provide support and information to people with BDD and those who care about them.rn

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Leave a Legacy

Consider leaving a legacy in your will to the BDD Foundation. By leaving a gift, you can be confident that people can access the support and information that they need long after you are gone.rnrn

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Find out more about our work


Donate today

Donate once

Only £15 could help us run an online support group for people with BDD, while £45 could go towards raising awareness of the condition. Please donate today using our secure payment service.

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Donate every month via Direct Debit

With your ongoing support, we can relieve suffering for people with BDD, while advancing research, treatments and awareness of the condition. Please support us today and help us change lives.

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However you decide to raise funds for people with BDD, we are extremely grateful! You could help provide support and information to people with BDD and those who care about them.

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Leave a Legacy

Consider leaving a legacy in your will to the BDD Foundation. By leaving a gift, you can be confident that people can access the support and information that they need long after you are gone.

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Find out more about our work

The Body Dysmorphic Disorder Foundation. Charity no. 1153753.