Webinar Series – A Quest for Hope: Body Dysmorphic Disorder Compulsions

We are pleased to announce our next webinar topic – join us in January 2025

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Join Arie Winograd in this webinar exploring the complex relationship between BDD compulsions and the search for hope. Individuals with BDD often engage in compulsive behaviours driven by a yearning for reassurance for things to look or feel ‘right’. However, these very behaviours can hinder recovery, perpetuating cycles of shame and obstructing the development of an integrated identity. This session will explore the psychological dynamics at play, and share practical suggestions on how to navigate this very challenging aspect of BDD.

📅 Wednesday 8th January 2025
⌚ 7-8pm (GMT)

Meet the Speaker

Arie Winograd (LMFT) is a psychotherapist who has dedicated his career to working with people with BDD. In 1998 Mr. Winograd initiated the first BDD studies at the University of California, Los Angeles. These seminal studies were only the beginning of his many years of working extensively with individuals with body image disturbances. As the author of the book Face to Face with Body Dysmorphic Disorder: Psychotherapy and Clinical Insights, he regularly lectures and consults on the subject. Mr. Winograd’s formal psychotherapy background includes graduate studies completed at Pepperdine University as well as six years of clinical experience at the UCLA Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Intensive Treatment Program. 

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The Body Dysmorphic Disorder Foundation. Charity no. 1153753.