The purpose of this visual processing study is to help understand how individuals with BDD perceive themselves and how to best address their differences in visual processing.
Researchers from the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) and the University of Toronto are looking for participants between the ages of 18 to 40 years who answered yes to any of the questions displayed on the poster, in addition to controls. Participants will be compensated for their time.
All participants must reside near and be able to travel to Toronto, Canada. The purpose of this visual processing study is to help us understand how individuals with BDD perceive themselves and how to best address their differences in visual processing.
If you fit these criteria and would like to participate in our study, please contact us at:
The Brain, Body, and Perception laboratory’s clinical neuroscience research seeks to understand the brain basis of perception, emotion, and reward across conditions involving body image as well as obsessions and compulsions. Additionally, they study gender identity, own body perception, and the effects of hormone treatments in individuals with gender dysphoria in the interest of improving health outcomes of gender-affirming treatments.
If you would like to learn more about the Brain, Body, and Perception laboratory and their research, visit: You can also learn more about the laboratory on Instagram (@bbplab) or Twitter (@BDD_anorexia).