Our Overcoming BDD Programme is looking for new volunteer facilitators to help deliver the next round of this life enhancing project.
We have successfully run four iterations of Overcoming BDD Programme, where self-guided Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Body Dysmorphic Disorder (CBT-BDD) was delivered in a peer support group context.
Outcomes from the groups have been very positive, with participants experiencing both a decrease in scores on the Appearance Anxiety Inventory as well as an improved overall quality of life. For the next iterations, we are looking at increasing our volunteer base so that we can run even more of these groups.
We are looking for 4 volunteers to co-facilitate the online sessions. The time commitment would be ~2 hours per week, for ~5 months (October 2022 – March 2023), plus up to 2 training session before the role commences. There will also be an opportunity to shadow facilitation in our cycle taking place May 2022 – October 2022).
We invite applications from people with lived-experience of BDD, as well as people who have trained in the principles of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, who have skills in group facilitation or peer-support.
How to apply:
Please submit your CV and a personal statement which highlights the following:
• Your (direct/indirect) experience with BDD
• Why you would like to apply for this position
• Your relevant experience (either as an expert-by-experience, an expert-by-training or both)
• What relevant skills and qualities you have
Please submit your CV and personal statement to hannah@bddfoundation.org no later than 5pm 21st March 2022.

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