We are proud to announce that the BDD Foundation is the charity partner of The Humanians.
The Humanians is a socially conscious NFT collection born on the Ethereum Blockchain led by the celebrated female artist Amber Day, creator of VISBII – bridging art and utility in the NFTverse, while bringing awareness to the growing mental health issue of Body Dysmorphia. Through their inclusive and supportive Web3 communities on Twitter and Discord, The Humanians celebrate everyone and anyone, free of prejudice and judgement.
The team behind Humania, Odd One Out Labs joined forces with Amber to make a real difference in the NFT space. Together they curate and collaborate relationships with organisations, people and communities, advocating for social change around mental health stigma especially focused on BDD.
The Humanians have partnered with The Be Well Collective and The Body Dysmorphic Disorder Foundation as co-charity partners with the aim to make a difference in the real-world – serving as the bridge between social causes, communities, cultures, creatives and the Blockchain.

In case you didn’t know, Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are single one off cryptographic assets sitting on a blockchain with unique identification codes and metadata that distinguish them from one another. NFTs can represent real-world or digital assets like artwork, music even to things like real estate; “Tokenizing” these assets makes buying, selling, and trading them more efficient while reducing the probability of fraud as all transactions are fully transparent with the purchase agreements viewable and not editable via smart contracts on the blockchain.

The Humanians aims to help promote The BDD Foundation’s aim which is to relieve the suffering for people with BDD, while donating to the BDDF to advance research, treatments and awareness of the condition which is often under-diagnosed. The founders will also be video documenting the entire journey along the way.
Meet The Founders
The Humanians and the BDD Foundation will be working together closely to make a sustained difference built around the BDD Foundation’s three pillars of action which are Awareness, Information, and Support. The Humanians aim to be an advocate for change by tackling unrealistic body expectations perpetuated by social and modern media. As part of this support effort The Humanians have an in-house certified NHS Mental Health Nurse Ouma Cazaril who runs an interactive discussion every Tuesday / Wednesdays at 8-9pm GMT, and Saturday Mornings at 7-8am GMT, where she discusses tips on healthy coping mechanisms. You can attend this on The Humanians Discord Channel.
Amber Day the artist for The Humanians has endured her own battles with body self image – which can be seen in her art style, where characters have exaggerated physical traits and quirky designs and proportions. “The idea of the human form has always fascinated me, and I believe the work I create is my way of exploring and seeing just how far I can push the boundaries of what society and ourselves deem as normal,” says Amber, adding that she is forever exploring her world of emotions, mental states, hardships, struggles, and the possibilities to live a more balanced life.
“As an abstract expression of humanity, The Humanians depict the human form in all of its glory and beauty: You are perfect no matter your size or proportion.” Says Amber.
Meet The Artist
Working to raise awareness The Humanians will also be raising funds for BDDF which is greatly needed – The BDD Foundation is the only charity in the world exclusively dedicated to raising awareness and alleviating the suffering caused by Body Dysmorphic Disorder. The BDDF runs on a very limited budget. They have a dedicated and diverse board of trustees consisting of leading clinicians and individuals with lived experience of BDD.
Together our aim is to spread positivity and support for our amazing community with tools and resources that promote active support and research.
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